Mubasher Capital

Sukuk Issuance and Investment Process



Islamic finance has gained traction in recent years, offering investors a Shariah-compliant alternative to conventional financial instruments. One such example is Sukuk, also known as Islamic bonds, which have become increasingly popular worldwide. In this section, we will provide an overview of the Sukuk issuance and investment process, explaining the key concepts and terms related to Sukuk in Islamic finance.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sukuk are Shariah-compliant financial instruments.
  • Sukuk differ from conventional bonds in their underlying structure and features.
  • Sukuk issuance involves several key steps, including structuring, documentation, and rating.
  • Investing in Sukuk offers opportunities and risks, with potential returns from a growing Sukuk market.
  • Sukuk trading and secondary market offer liquidity and pricing mechanisms for Sukuk instruments.

Understanding Sukuk: An Introduction to Islamic Finance

Sukuk represent a key aspect of Islamic finance and have gained immense popularity in recent years, due to their Shariah-compliant nature and potential for generating attractive returns for investors. Unlike conventional bonds, Sukuk are based on the principles of risk-sharing and avoid interest payments, which are prohibited in Islamic finance.

The term Sukuk is derived from the Arabic word “sakk,” meaning “legal instrument” or “certification.” Sukuk are essentially certificates of ownership, representing a proportionate interest in a tangible asset or a pool of assets. This asset-backed feature distinguishes Sukuk from conventional bonds, which are generally debt-based instruments.

Under the Shariah-compliant structure of Sukuk, investors are not lending money to the issuer but rather investing in a venture or project and sharing the risks and rewards that come with it. This concept of risk-sharing aligns with the principles of Islamic finance, where wealth is generated through legitimate trade and investment activities, rather than through interest-based transactions.

The Features of Sukuk in Islamic Finance

Shariah-compliant bonds or Sukuk are guided by the following principles:

  • Sukuk investments must be backed by tangible assets or services.
  • The underlying asset must have a clear and undisputed title.
  • Investors must share in the risks and rewards of the underlying asset or service.
  • The terms of the Sukuk issuance and investment must be transparent and disclosed to all parties.

Overall, Sukuk represent a unique and growing asset class in the Islamic finance landscape, offering investors an alternative to conventional bonds, while adhering to Shariah principles.

Sukuk Structure and Types

Sukuk are structured in various ways, each tailored to meet specific financing needs. Below are some of the most common Sukuk structures:

Sukuk TypeDescription
MudarabaThis structure involves two parties, where one party provides the capital (investor) and the other party (entrepreneur) manages the investment. The profits are shared based on a pre-agreed profit-sharing ratio, while the investor bears the risk of loss.
MusharakaIn this structure, two or more parties contribute capital to form a joint venture. Profits are shared based on a pre-agreed profit-sharing ratio, while the losses are shared based on the proportion of capital invested.
IjarahThis structure involves the transfer of the right to use an asset by the owner (lessor) to the lessee in exchange for rental payments. The ownership of the asset remains with the lessor while the lessee benefits from its use.
Istisna’aThis structure involves the commissioning of a manufacturer to produce an asset, with the investor providing the financing for the manufacturing process. The manufacturer then delivers the asset to the investor upon completion.
SalamThis structure involves the advance payment by the investor to a seller for the delivery of a commodity at a later date. The seller uses the proceeds to fund the production of the commodity, which is then delivered to the investor at the agreed-upon date.

Other Sukuk structures include Wakala, Kafala, and Hybrid Sukuk, which combine different structures to meet specific financing requirements.

Sukuk Issuance Process

Sukuk issuance follows a structured process that involves several key steps. These steps are crucial to ensure the Sukuk complies with Shariah principles, meets investment requirements, and is attractive to potential investors. Below is an overview of the Sukuk issuance process:

StructuringThe issuer works with advisors to determine the type and structure of Sukuk that best suits the issuer’s needs and complies with Shariah principles.
DocumentationThe issuer prepares legal documents that outline the terms and conditions of the Sukuk, including the nature of the underlying assets, the size of the issuance, and the expected returns.
RatingThe Sukuk is rated by credit rating agencies to provide investors with an independent assessment of the creditworthiness of the issuer and the quality of the Sukuk as an investment instrument.
MarketingThe Sukuk is marketed to potential investors through roadshows and other promotional activities, highlighting the benefits and investment potential of the Sukuk.
SubscriptionInvestors subscribe to the Sukuk by submitting their bids through the lead arranger or underwriter, indicating the amount they wish to invest and the expected returns.
ClosingThe Sukuk is closed once the subscription period ends, and the funds raised are released to the issuer to fund their projects or operations.

Throughout the process, the issuer works closely with various parties, including legal advisors, Shariah scholars, credit rating agencies, underwriters, and investors, to ensure the Sukuk meets all requirements and is attractive to potential investors.

Investing in Sukuk: Opportunities and Risks

Sukuk investment has gained significant attention in the last decade as a viable alternative to conventional bonds for investors seeking Shariah-compliant investments. Sukuk offers investors a chance to invest in a variety of asset classes with varying risk and reward profiles. Sukuk can also provide a diversified investment portfolio, helping to manage investment risk.

Investing in Sukuk offers numerous opportunities for investors. Sukuk issuance has been on the rise, providing investors with a broader range of investment opportunities. Furthermore, Sukuk assets have proven to be resilient during economic downturns, providing investors with potentially stable returns, even during market volatility.

Despite the numerous benefits of Sukuk investment, it is important to recognize the risks associated with investing in Sukuk. As with any investment, Sukuk carries investment risk. Sukuk is subject to market risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk. These factors can impact the performance of the Sukuk market and the returns on Sukuk investments.

The performance of the Sukuk market has been strong in recent years, with Sukuk investments frequently outperforming conventional bonds. Between 2014 and 2019, Sukuk returns averaged around 6%, outpacing the returns of traditional bonds. The potential for strong returns and the growing market make Sukuk an attractive investment option for investors seeking Shariah-compliant investments.

It is essential that investors fully understand the risks and opportunities associated with Sukuk investments before investing. In addition, investors must conduct their own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Trading and Secondary Market for Sukuk

While Sukuk are primarily held until maturity, many investors prefer the flexibility of trading and selling their Sukuk in the secondary market. The secondary market for Sukuk is still relatively new and evolving, but it offers investors the opportunity to buy and sell Sukuk before their maturity date.

One of the key benefits of the secondary market is increased liquidity, as investors can buy and sell Sukuk more easily than in the primary market. It also provides investors with greater flexibility to manage their investments, as they can adjust their portfolios based on market conditions and their own investment objectives.

The pricing of Sukuk in the secondary market may differ from their face value depending on demand and supply dynamics, credit ratings and yields. The trading mechanism for Sukuk is similar to other debt securities, with dealers trading on behalf of clients, and using electronic platforms or over-the-counter trades.

Nevertheless, it is important for investors to be aware of certain risks in the secondary market, such as counterparty risk, liquidity risk and market risk. Counterparty risk arises if the counterparty fails to fulfill their obligation, while liquidity risk concerns the possibility of not finding a buyer or seller at the desired price. Market risk is the risk of losing value due to shifts in market conditions or sentiment.

Overall, the secondary market for Sukuk provides investors with greater flexibility and liquidity, but it is important to carefully consider the risks involved and seek professional advice when trading in the Sukuk market.


Overall, Sukuk is a growing investment market that offers Shariah-compliant investment opportunities to investors. The Sukuk market has seen tremendous growth in recent years, with more and more issuers turning to Sukuk as a means of raising capital.

Investing in Sukuk can be a lucrative opportunity for investors who are looking to diversify their portfolios. Sukuk offers a unique combination of relatively low risk and potentially high returns, making it an attractive investment option for many investors.

However, it is important to keep in mind that investing in Sukuk does come with certain risks. Like any investment, there is always the possibility of market fluctuations and changes in interest rates that can impact the value of Sukuk. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct thorough research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Nevertheless, with the continued growth of the Sukuk market and the potential returns it can offer, Sukuk should certainly be a consideration for investors looking to diversify their portfolios and tap into the growing Islamic finance market.
